Mar 28, 2011

The insiders guide to packing your labour bag

Okay...I know...I promised a review of the labour bag and each items goes: 
(*disclaimer: This is wholly and solely based on my one time labour experience, and is limited to ramblings and should not be a substitute for more suitable advice)

Maternity bras - I got a whole range from KMart the other day - most were $10 or under. Bargain!
Comfy full brief undies - Bonds - who else?!
Okay I have to be perfectly honest here....Not all maternity bras are made equal. I lived in the Bonds Maternity Singlets (listed below). You can wear them with PJ pants and still feel like you have some dignity when random people come to visit the baby (oh...and you too I guess!!). For the week I spent in hospital, I think I wore 1 maternity bra when I ran out of Bonds Singlets. Breastfeeding for the first time in hospital is difficult enough without adding wardrobe malfunctions to the equation!
Sleepwear - I have opted for long PJ pants, and I am planning to wear the Bonds Maternity Singlets. This way I am decent if we get unexpected visitors, but I have easy access to breast feed. Those Bonds Maternity Singlets are freaking awesome! I would definitely recommend them! is what the books don't tell you....if you spend time in hospital after having the baby (It was great for us to do this to build confidence, make sure my milk came in properly etc. etc.)...all you (and the baby) does is sleep, eat, feed and cry ( AND the baby...those baby blues are the most reliable thing about having a WILL cry...)....Oh...and receive visitors. It's this last point that I had the most difficulty with...while it is lovely to see everyone and show off your bundle of joy, you are lucky if you brush your teeth, let alone shower and brush your unless you limit your guests to close family who have seen you at your worst already, be prepared (clothing-wise) to recieve people. Keep this is mind when packing attire for the hospital. I also found with my milk coming in that I sweated I wish I had entire sleeping outfits for each day.
Reading material - I picked up about 8 Real Living magazines that I haven't read (yes, some are quite old!) at the Op Shop for $1 per mag! Pretty sweet deal considering most magazines retail between $8 - $15!
I did not crack a book the entire labour, or the 5 days in hospital afterwards...but I have read almost all of them whilst breastfeeding not a complete waste...just heavy to lug to the hospital and home for no reason...
Journal and Diary plus pretty pens (I have a serious stationary fetish...I really do need help!)
See comment above....

Camera - For obvious reasons!
Definitely...especially for the days afterwards...they don't stay looking like newborns for long...
**Note - if you want photos during the labour (trust me you may never want to experience labour again, so it may be safer to get heaps of photos and never look at them again), make sure you word someone up to take photos....And the operation of the focus, flash etc.

IPhone worked for me...played Angry birds during early labour, then took photos and sent messages... A must.
Wheat (heat) bag
Didn't bother with it....but didn't have back pain in would probably still pack it just in case...
Return to home outfit - I know, it will still be maternity wear, but I want to wear something nice to return home with bubba!
Pregnancy / Birth folder including all documents collected over the period of my pregnancy
Again a definite....It's amazing how much paperwork you collect after the birth as well...
General toiletries - we bought new toothbrushes (we were just about due anyway), and new toothpaste, so we could pack in advance. Also I am taking some of the stuff that just makes you feel a little more at home when you are away from home (ie. familiar liquid soap, skin care routine stuff...I may not use it, but if I do have time, or need some Mercenary Mum time - I've got it covered!)
I definitely used everything I's amazing that after 6 months or so of not being able to shave your legs, how human making them silky smooth can make you feel!!
Don't forget the toiletries which may be new products - ie. Maternity pads, breast pads - we are planning a 5/6 day stay at hospital, so I would expect my milk will have come in before I go home...
- Breast pads
- Maternity least 2 per day of stay
- A Lanolin based product for nipple conditioning....I used Lansinoh...
Thongs for the shower (NB. The footwear variety of thongs for those of you who aren't Aussie!)
Didn't use them...the hospital room I was in was cleaned daily and was sparkling...

Really clever stuff I would never have thought of without other peoples recommendations:
Bendy Straws - I was really on the fence about this...I mean I NEVER use straws....but I read somewhere that whilst in labour drinking using bendy straws will allow you to keep your fluids up with minimum effort.
Toilet paper - now I know the hospital will supply TP, but honestly, the last thing I'd like would be to use cheap bulk sandpaper toilet paper after having a baby....I can always bring it home if the hospital exceeds the expectations!
Again the hospital I was in was pretty awesome with this...Didn't use it, but worth the room in the bag just in case...
Stuff for your birth partner - I am bringing stuff I want Mr Mercenary to have during my labour - stuff that guys may not think something to wear in the shower / birth pool....
Also, whilst you are in hospital, the medication etc. for you and the baby is pretty much covered, but your partner may find a long labour or different bed (if they are able to stay with you over night) may bring on a headache etc. I found a suggestion that we take some nurofen or panadol for your other/better half is probably a good idea - and then they have NO excuses!
Again....I would take it again...just in case....but we didn't need it...
List of people we need to call - no not the list of rellies we have to tell, but the official kind of ones that I will probably forget about the minute administration of my life is replaced by a (hopefully) healthy and beautiful baby girl (eg. Private Health Fund - cover her immediately!).
Didn't really need it....Contrary to popular belief, baby brain wasn't that bad...

Things I didn't have but should have?
- Extra changes of clothes...
- Baby wipes
- Snappi Nappy fasteners (I just can not deal with nappy pins!)
- Tissues!
- Your own pillow!!!
- Extra undies...
- Obviously you need a car seat to take bubba home, but don't forget a neck pillow for them...their necks are very floppy!!

Ultimately you know what you do with your down time...pick the contents of your bag based on your own preferences...but I would advise to overpack, rather than underpack...

Good luck, and remember, your pain is going to result in a wonderful new life....


Mar 24, 2011

Labour pains - a relatively easy labour story...

Well, it has been a while since my last post, but who would have thought I would have been so busy with a new baby!? Well the labour story is probably most therapeutic for me to write about first...Funnily enough you mainly read about horrible labours, so here is a nice antidote...

We made it to the 28th February (Induction Day) with no sign of bubba fully engaging, or showing any signs of making a non-medically induced arrival. The Sunday morning (27th) our Dr confirmed via an internal examination that my cervix was favourable for an induction, so we were booked in for the following day.

We went to the hospital for the induction at 7am, and after a few quick tears borne of sheer terror, the Dr broke my waters and began the drip - I was 2cm dilated at the time of induction. Contractions (and I use this term fairly loosely) began by 8am, feeling more like dragging period pain than anything, and progressed slowly to fairly intense short bursts about 45secs long about 3mins apart. All of this was bearable, and in between I was playing Angry Birds...not exactly the insane pain I was expecting!

The Dr made an appearance around 11am to let me know the anaesthetist was on the ward, and now would be an opportune time to order an epidural if I was planning to get one...Having not used anything else, including the bath...I declined and ate my lunch, thinking that if this was what labour was like, the everyone grossly over exaggerates the pain.

I got in the bath shortly after lunch and the pain was increasing with every contraction  ( I see, maybe it does get worse!) 1.45pm I was in a fair amount of pain, and making guttural groans, one of our midwives, Jane, decided to do an internal examination. She had estimated that I was about 9cm dilated based on the timing and the noises I was making.

Unfortunately when she did the internal examination, it turned out that I was *still* 2cm, and my cervix had moved to one side and around. The worst bit of the entire labour was when she relocated the opening to my cervix back to where it should have been...All I remember was making a hell of a lot of noise, and her saying "come on now, no noise, no noise". I remember thinking "SHUT IT! I'll make all the freaking NOISE I want WOMAN!!". Immediately after I began vomiting (bye-bye lunch!) and the midwives seemed to think that it was due to the internal examination (no drugs at this stage).

The Dr. made another appearance 15minutes later, bearing the tidings that he would let me labour another two hours, then we really needed to move on to an emergency C-Section. I remember thinking "you bastards are going to let me labour for another 2 hours, then cut me open anyway! Just wheel me into surgery now you cruel bugger!" He suggested I have a shot of pethidine if the pain was too much (AHHH...YES!). So after arguing with the midwife about not wanting the shot in my butt (remnants of a painful childhood memory rearing its ugly head), we compromised and had the shot in my leg. I needn't have worried, with the pain of the contractions, the needle felt like a lovely massage...

Well, let me tell you...I think there is a conspiracy about Pethidine....I reckon that Pethidine in labour is less for the pregnant woman, and more for the birth partners and midwives! It did nothing to me but make me quiet! I was still in increasing pain, I just didn't have the energy to cry out or make any noise. To be fair however, I did fall asleep between contractions (5 minute power naps)...

About an hour later, I felt desperate to go to the toilet, and after going, standing holding on to Mr. Mercenary, sitting, standing (repeat) for about half an hour, I told the midwives I had an overwhelming urge to push. They suggested I get on the bed, which I (semi)-politely declined and was advised that I'd be having my baby in the toilet if I didn't get on the bed! Well, that was enough motivation (who wants to tell their child that they were born into a toilet!!).

I don't remember too much of the details of the pushing, but I now know why after pregnancy and birth, you have no problem with people looking at your more private areas...I really didn't care who was looking! I do remember the "ring of fire" which accompanied bubba crowning (and me tearing). I also remember Mr. Mercenary (who was adamant that he was NOT going to look, because he'd never be able to look again) having a good look at her being born. I was secretly relieved that he did want to look, because it really is an amazing part of life. The Dr arrived at some point, added an episiotomy to my tear, and my beautiful baby girl was delivered at 3.44pm on the 28th Feb.

During some skin to skin contact with a sticky baby, and after the delivery of the placenta, the Dr was working his magic with his sewing needle and a local anaesthetic. She had a breastfeed then weighed in at 8lb 12.5oz or 3.98kg. She was 51.5cm long and my little chubba chops had her first immunisations. During this time I remember feeling very immobile, as I was leaking blood (I think), and a midwife eventually pushed on my abdomen and got a hell of a lot of fluid out...After a much needed shower, we walked (!) to our room on the ward.

In hindsight, I am eternally grateful that I was able to have a natural birth. I am not sure how I would have coped if I were bed ridden...and there was another mother on the ward that I knew through people who was bed ridden after her caesarean. I attribute my natural birth to three factors...the Dr giving me the extra 2 hours to labour (he told us later that he was surprised it worked!), the midwife moving my cervix, and the pethidine for allowing me to relax enough to dilate. All in all I have to say, it was a relatively easy labour...I would categorise the stages as 4 hours of period like pain contractions (7-11am), 3 hours of intense contractions (11am-2pm), an hour and a half of excruciating pain (2pm-3.30pm), 14 minutes of pushing... (3.30pm -3.44pm).

Well...Now the fun really begins!

Feb 19, 2011

The time is nigh!

Okay, so according to the inexact science of baby due date predictions, I am supposed to be giving birth sometime in the next 24 hours. I shouldn't may happen...but then probably won't! In fact I am kind of praying it won't happen until Tuesday or later...why?

Well here is an interesting piece of info for all those who haven't been preggers before...As soon as you tell people when you are due, and they have a birthday within 2 weeks either side of the "big date", they'll let you know how cool it would be for the baby to be born on their particular birthday (not too sure cool for who...they make think it less cool if they knew that you will probably be too preoccupied to buy a big present, attend a party or think of them generally). This is not limited to family, friends, rather extends to colleagues, anyone who you have been stupid enough to give the due date to really! So far, Grandpa Mercenary (my father), who had a birthday this Wednesday gone, my bridesmaid (Thursday - but I have to say, she was actually the least insistent!), Mr Mercenary's boss (Birthday on Sunday), my cousin's fiancee suggested we have the baby over two weeks after she is due, to which a long standing friend (who has a coinciding birthday) agreed with. That's not to mention all of those passing comments of people who have birthdays within 2 months of having the baby who suggest their birthday month has some superiority over all others!

It's funny really...It doesn't bother me as much as it bothers Mr Mercenary (who is already developing defensive strategies to protect our Baby Mercenary from all real and percieved dangers). He is rather indignant that she has her OWN birthday, not sharing with Grandpa, any other rellies or anyone vaguely likely to be a continuing presence in our lives. It's kind of ironic really though...I mean she is bound to meet someone who she has a long term relationship with that shares her birthday. My best friend from across the road growing up shared my birthday (although she was 1 year older) was never an issue for fact it was kind of cool really...

Anyway, back to the question...why after Tuesday? Well my OBGYN has decided to take himself and his reception staff to his family winery in the Clare Valley (if having a family winery doesn't say overpaid, I don't know what does!). They'll be back on Tuesday...which is when I have my next appointment to discuss the date we'll need to book an induction if she is being stubborn!

I could also forgo all of the advice of how to bring on no, I am not:
Going to eat hot curry
Going for a drive over a rough road
Jumping (carefully) down a flight of stairs
Going to have sex doggy style
Going to eat castor oil
Or any other crazy way to bring labour on...None are proven anyway! we are, with the Mercenary Mum and Mercenary Baby still as one for the next 10 days at the most. In spite of the recent additional (and slightly painful) activity in my womb, the additional pains, lack of sleep, nesting instincts (I cleaned the laundry today...refolded the linen that not nesting or what?) and not being able to touch my toes, I am still enjoying my pregnancy and love the closeness I have with the bub, that will never be the same again...

I do occasionally wonder if I am subconsciously preventing the labour by my inate fear of pain, or my enjoyment of keeping bub close and protected...or if she is just really, really comfortable (read: Lazy).

Oh well...come what may. By this time in a fortnight, I really will be a Mercenary Mum...not a Mercenary wannabe Mum...

Feb 10, 2011

Operation Wooden Words - Creating fancy patterned wooden words

I just LOVE the finished product - shown on the wall in the nursery, pride of place, next to the bunting!
You will need a selection of scrapbooking paper. I used the same paper stock that I used to make the bunting, so it would tie in with the nursery theme.
You will need a cutting mat, or somewhere you feel comfortable making lots of gouges! And of course a VERY sharp craft scalpel. If your scalpel is not sharp enough it will tear the paper in hard to reach places, instead of cutting it. This could have a TERRIBLE effect on the finished product...TRUST ME!
You will need the following tools - Hot glue gun, scissors, pencil, eraser and ruler.
   I used pre-cut MDF words purchased from spotlight. Using a silver spray paint, I painted the entire word (front, back, all sides) silver and left to dry.

Once you have selected the paper for each section (I did mine letter by letter), cut a rectangle piece of approximately the correct size, and using a hot glue gun, glue the paper to the wooden word.

On a cutting mat, place the word with face down, and use a VERY sharp scalpel to cut the excess paper off, leaving the front of the letter covered with paper.

I found it easiest to trim the edges down, then really carefully cut out the template.

The finished product - close up - Don't get too hung up on the little details...ultimately these will hang on a wall, and NO ONE but me will know where I have cut a mm too far out, or slightly torn the opa

Feb 9, 2011

Okay, so as promised, I have done my freezer inventory....I am actually really quite proud of my efforts considering I haven't been at home very long (what 3 weeks now?)...and I am quite limited by our freezer size (TINY!).

So here is what we have:

The staples (ie. non-meals)
- Frozen peas and corn
- Frozen Brussel Sprouts
- Potato gems
- Borgs Spinach and Ricotta Puffs
- Frozen Fish Fillets (for Mr. Mercenary - EWW!)
- Rustic cut potatoes
- Frozen Yoghurt (Mr. Mercenary has a smoothie for brekky in the morning...)
- Chicken fillet crumbed
- Chicken tenders
- Mince x 2 (500g packs approx)

- Chicken breasts x 2
- Bacon x 2
- Homemade garlic butter

The Meals:
- Bolognaise meat sauce - 4 serves when added to pasta
- Creamy Chicken and Mushroom casserole - 4 serves when added to pasta or rice
- Meatballs - plain - 2 serves when added to pasta
- Meatballs with Mrs. Mercenary's famous tomato sauce (+ two extra small pots of sauce) - 4 serves when added to mashed potatoes

- Enchiladas - 2 serves
- Individual Chicken Roast with potatoes - 2 serves when served with steamed veggies
- Lenards Chicken Kievs (2 per meal) - 2 x 2 serve meals when added to roast veggies.
- Lenards Marinated Chicken Steaks - 2 serves when added to pasta side dish or salad

- Homemade stuffed chicken breasts - 2 serves when added to roast veggies
- Homemade sausage rolls - 2 x 2 serves when served with salad
- Woolies pre-prepared Lasagne - 4 serves
- Woolies pre-prepared Beef Mac & Cheese - 4 serves
- Woolies marinated Mexican Steak Meat x 2

- Coles Herb and Mustard Lamb Roast
- Pork Roast

Some Recipes:

Homemade stuffed chicken breasts:

2 chicken breasts, cut in half horizontally 3/4 of the way through (so you can stuff the inside)
2 wedges Laughing Cow light cheese, one per breast (I used garlic & herb instead)
Italian seasoning to taste
1/4 cup dried bread crumbs (I used 1/2 regular and 1/2 Italian seasoned)
Handful grated parmesan cheese
Cooking spray

1. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Open each chicken breast up and spread one wedge of Laughing Cow inside the middle. Sprinkle Italian seasoning inside to taste. (I actually mixed my cheese and Italian seasoning in a bowl before spreading it on the chicken to give a nice even flavor) Fold chicken back over to original shape.
3. Mix together bread crumbs and parmesan cheese in a shallow dish. Spray each chicken breast with cooking spray and then dip in bread crumb mixture to coat. Place on baking sheet.
4. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.

Freezing instructions - Do not bake the chicken. Do all the steps right up to baking, wrapped each individual breast in foil and then sealed them in an airtight bag. For cooking- I'll defrost overnight in the refrigerator and bake as normal. Just be certain to check your chicken temp to make sure they are cooked thoroughly! Also- I made sure to use fresh chicken breasts so I wasn't thawing, freezing and re-thawing the chicken.

Sausage Rolls:

1 x 250g jar tomato chutney
1 x 400g can Woolworths Select diced Italian tomatoes
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
2 sheets (25 x 25cm) frozen ready-rolled puff pastry, thawed
500g pork or sausage mince
70g (1 cup) fresh breadcrumbs (made from day-old bread)
1 small brown onion, finely chopped
2 tsp chopped fresh thyme
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tbs poppy seeds


1.      1.  Reserve 70g (1/4 cup) of the chutney. Combine the tomato, chilli powder and remaining chutney in a medium saucepan over high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes or until the sauce thickens. Stir in the basil leaves. Set aside for 15 minutes to cool slightly. Transfer the sauce to the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. Place in a small serving bowl.
2. Line 2 baking trays with non-stick baking paper. Cut pastry sheets in half. Combine the mince, breadcrumbs, onion, thyme and reserved chutney in a large bowl and season with salt and pepper. Divide the mince mixture into 4 portions and shape each portion into a 25cm log. Arrange sausage logs along the centres of pastry sheets.
3. Brush 1 long side of the pastry with the egg. Roll up to enclose the filling. Cut each roll evenly into 5 pieces. Place rolls, seam-side down, on the lined trays. 
4. Preheat oven to 220°C. Brush the rolls with the remaining egg and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Bake in oven for 30 minutes or until golden. Serve with the spicy tomato sauce.

Freezing Instructions:  The cooked sausage rolls may be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 2 months. To reheat, preheat oven to 180°C and bake for 20-25 minutes or until heated through.

Feb 8, 2011

Operation Baby Bunting

I have been looking for bunting to brighten up the new bub's nursery in colours that I like and fit with my colour scheme. Unfortunately the only ones I have found have been ridiculously expensive, or U.G.L.Y!
So I decided to give it a go making some...I researched and found very average how-to guides, that involved sewing and all sorts of excessively crafty ways to make something that I will eventually get rid of. So I decided to give it a go myself. Here are the pictorial results collated as a how-to.

By the way, I already had the paper, and I had to (*read: decided to) purchase a hot glue gun. All up a 3.5m
bunting in the exact colours I was after cost me approximately: $16 and about 1.5 hours of labour (not in the baby's coming kind of way, but in the slave labour kind of way!). Wayyyyyy cheaper than buying it anywhere I have found and I actually enjoyed myself!

You will need a selection of papers that fit the theme you are after. This is a combination from a number of Fiskars paper packs bought at K-Mart. They are designed for scrapbooking, so the card weight was good. Don't use paper that is too flimsy.

You will need ribbon or cord to attach the pennants together. I did not end up using the green sequining, although you could use it to add a little jazz at the end if you wish.

I found this type of cloth ribbon perfect, as the herringbone style helped keep me on track when gluing.

You will need some tools. I used a 30cm ruler, a lead pencil (preferably pretty sharp), an erasers (for those little imperfections!), a low heat glue gun with sufficient glue for the size bunting you are making, and the all important scissors.

You will need to measure and make a template for the pennants. The paper I used was square, so I decided to cut off a 6cm strip from the bottom to get the desired shape. I measured one of the long sides and marked half way (15cm with the paper I used). On the opposite side, I made a mark at 1/4 of the way (7.5cm) and at 3/4 of the way (22.5cm). 

I then ruled a line from the corner of the long side which was marked half way down to the 1/4 mark. I drew a line from the 1/4 line back up to the half way point on the opposite side of the paper. This created a V shape. I then repeated from the 1/2 mark to the 3/4 mark, then back to the corner of the side divided in half. This created a W shape. I had three identical pennants templated on each sheet, with a 6cm strip of paper and the two triangles on the short edges to discard.
You will need to repeat this template on all of the paper you wish to use. Then take your scissors and cut the pennants out.
The pennants should be of equal size.

Arrange the pennants in a pattern that appeals to you. I did a repeating pattern with each of the types of paper.
You may wish to identify where you are going to hang the pennant at this point. You will need to leave a slight gap between penannts if you wish to create a scalloped effect when you hang it. Whilst you are deciding on your pattern, plug the low heat glue gun into heat up. Don't forget to put something under the nozzle in case there is any glue drips.

Lay the ribbon out on a flat surface. You may wsh to place an additional piece of paper under the ribbon to prevent any glue dripping on to your working surface. Leave enough ribbon on each end to use to tie on to something when hanging. On half of the ribbon, place a line of hot glue. Make sure you leave the top half of the ribbon above the pennants, as this will fold down over them later.
Lay each pennant on the hot glue and ensure good adhesion. Continue until you have all pennants glued to the ribbon in the pattern you have selected. Do not forget to leave any gaps for scalloping if necessary.

Place a line of hot glue on the top half of the ribbon, and fold over the pennant.

Your ribbon and pennants should look something like this...Allow to dry.

Hang pennants in selected spot.

Admire, and brag to your friends how cheap and easy your project was!

Feb 6, 2011

General news bulletin

Okay, so last time we spoke, I was planning to clean the house to within an inch of it's life on a weekly basis. I am pleased to report that this is actually easier than it sounds!

I have been pleasantly surprised that with a little planning and a pinch of motivation, the house actually looks comfortably lived in, but clean (in a healthy, I've actually gone to effort kind of way, not I've done a half assed sweep and spot mop, and put everything out of place in that spot I hope you don't find kind of way!). I will admit, I do still need to work on the whole dinner thing...It's a love/hate relationship...I love cooking...when I feel like it....I hate cooking when it's is a necessity and I am not in the mood!

I'll admit, there were days over the past two weeks, when I didn't stick entirely to the schedule...but isn't that what schedules are really about? You aim for the moon, and when you miss you are still amongst the stars? I can tell you now that I have done more cleaning in the past two weeks that I have done in the past two months, and I am sure Mr. Mercenary has even noticed!

***Aside Note*** I really should give credit where it is due....Mr. Mercenary is actually the neat freak out of the two of us...I mean Mr. Ex-Army - Lover of Routine - Mercenary was the epitomy of the perfect house husband! In fact if he could breastfeed the new bub and had good paternity leave benefits like I have, I guarantee I wouldn't be the SAHM - I'd be the working mum, with a Stay At Home Husband/Dad (SAHHD).

Anyway, what I have found, for us...changing the sheets once a week - OVERKILL. Seriously....I am not doing that every week...But doing the floors once a week....way, way too little! We have 2 x pet hair accumulation and an amazing amount of dirt from the back verandah, that finds it's way into the Mercenary home. Combined with the fact that the massive white shiny tiles that looked so clean and attractive when we looked at the house during open inspections, actually are a B*TCH to keep clean! 

So rather than beat myself up about not sticking to the schedule 100% - I am totally giving myself kudos for giving it a serious go and actually making it work for me. Doing 80% of the schedule, or even 50% sure is better than giving up and doing 0% - then feeling guilty about not doing stuff!

On top of the cleaning roster, I have actually been making some headway with the little things that I NEVER thought I'd get around I have refolded all of the towels in the linen closet, and made them look nice. I have to confess I am avoiding the sheets though....honestly how hard is it to fold sheets identically? I find towels a challenge!

I have also begun to accumulate freezer meals for after the big arrival...In fact, I have done some much shopping and cooking for the freezer, than I now need to convince Mr. Mercenary that we really do need to buy a chest our fridge freezer is FULL to overflowing! I need to take a bit of an inventory, so I don't forget about the homemade kievs stuck in the only spot they'd fit, underneath the brussel sprouts at the back corner, that may remain undiscovered for centuries, unless I know they are there!

Next entry I'll post a list of freezer meals and the recipes for all to see...WATCH THIS SPACE!